About 80% ~ 90% of the companies listed in the KOSDAQ have received venture capital funding. (In 2011, 30 out of 35 companies that went public on the KOSDAQ received VC funding, 14 out of 17 in 2012, 22 out of 23 in 2013 and 22 out 26 in 2014 respectively)
VC Funds are special purpose PEF established under the government policy to foster investments into small, medium and venture companies that lack credit and assets but have technologies with potential to growth. Many of these enterprises disappear without adequate funding so the government policy is directed toward attracting PEFs to provide funding to these small venture companies with tremendous potential for growth.
Unlike general purpose PEF's, the VC funds are not subject to the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act but the they must comply with the specific rules and regulations under which the VC funds were formed. There are “small and medium enterprises start-up investment funds” under the Act on Support for Small and Medium Enterprises Establishment, “Korea Venture Funds” (KVF’s) under the Act on Special Measures for the Promotion of Venture Businesses, “new technology enterprise investment funds” under the Specialized Credit Finance Business Act, and “agricultural, fisheries, and food industry investment funds” under the Act on Formation and Operation of Agricultural, Fisheries, and Food Industry Investment Funds. These funds provide funding to small and startup entities in the areas of IT, communications, biotech and entertainments.
EHoo has been on the front line since the introduction of the VC funds and studying the changes and trends of the market. We can provide the best solution and advice in all phases of a venture financing, from fund formation to review of target investments and due diligence, execution of investment agreements, post-investment monitoring, and exit strategy formulation, based on our experience with numerous venture financing deals as the agent, service provider, or advisor for the GP’s, LP’s, and supervisory authorities and agencies of the domestic venture capital funds.